Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome to the Fatburnguru

Welcome to the Fatburnguru. A Blog and resource on healthy lifestyle and weight loss. It is full

of weight loss tips and healthy lifestyle information . Practical things you can use right now. Some of the weight loss

methods may take a little planning. At the end of the day this Blog is about YOU. Your weight loss and healthy

lifestyle and the body and ideal weight you want to experience.

Daily FOOD Healthy Lifestyle and Weight Loss Tips

TIP 1. Drink plenty of water daily. It is important to keep the body cells hydrated.

TIP 2. Eat wholesome and nourishing foods. Keep refined foods to a minimum.

TIP 3. Cultivate a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere at meal time.

TIP 4. Lemon juice squeezed in a cup of water is good on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

TIP 5. Fruit and vegetables should not be eaten at the same meal.